31 March 2007

Settling Up

Just sitting down going through my records for March and if you followed YukTrader through this tumultuous month...drum roll please...you scored plus 92 points trading the Nasdaq futures...cheers and applause...
Didn't think we did quite that well as my account also reflects some losses taken on pesky and questionable options positions... So with that in mind I've decided no options trading in April with the exception of the open CROX put position...we will exclusively concentrate on the NQM7 for the whole month...see you Monday morning...jfg.


Anonymous said...


You may also remove the link to my old blog site. I closed it down as of yesterday and have since opened a private small group blog. I wish you the best for your future trading!

Best regards,


K.I.S.S. :{)

YukTrader said...

Thank you Oda, as I wish the best for you as well...